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Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite
Buckholt Suite

For up to 300 guests

15.6W x 19.5L x 2.9H

300 Theatre
250 Banquet
200 Dinner Dance
160 Cabaret
160 Classroom
85 U-Shape
80 Boardroom
Abbey & Avon Suites
Abbey & Avon Suites

For up to 80 guests

7.3W x 16.2L x 2.7H

80 Theatre
70 Banquet
64 Cabaret
50 Dinner Dance
50 Classroom
46 Boardroom
46 U-Shape
Cathedral Suite
Cathedral Suite

For up to 60 guests

6.9W x 11.1L x 2.7H

60 Theatre
48 Cabaret
35 Classroom
30 Boardroom
30 U-Shape
Abbey Suite
Abbey Suite

For up to 50 guests

7.3W x 8.1L x 2.7H

50 Theatre
50 Banquet
40 Cabaret
30 Boardroom
30 Dinner Dance
30 U-Shape
30 Classroom
Avon Suite
Avon Suite

For up to 50 guests

7.3W x 8.1L x 2.7H

50 Theatre
40 Banquet
40 Cabaret
25 Classroom
24 Boardroom
24 U-Shape
Blenheim Suite
Blenheim Suite

For up to 30 guests

7.3W x 7.7L x 2.7H

30 Theatre
24 Cabaret
24 U-Shape
22 Boardroom
20 Classroom
Meteor Suite
Meteor Suite

For up to 30 guests

7.3W x 7.7L x 2.7H

30 Theatre
30 Banquet
24 Cabaret
24 U-Shape
20 Classroom
Gladiator Suite
Gladiator Suite

For up to 20 guests

5.2W x 6.9L x 2.7H

20 Theatre
14 Boardroom
14 U-Shape
12 Classroom
Javelin Suite
Javelin Suite

For up to 12 guests

3.7W x 7.7L x 2.7H

12 Theatre
10 Boardroom
10 Classroom
Merlin Suite
Merlin Suite

For up to 12 guests

3.7W x 7.7L x 2.7H

12 Theatre
10 Boardroom
10 Classroom